Big Wheel Antenna for 2 meter

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Punkin Head

Big Wheel Antenna for 2 meter


Post by Punkin Head »

Ok I am planning to try to build this antenna. Have any of you ham guys tried this and what were your results. I have a March 2008 issue of QST magazine an it has an article in it for "A New Spin on the Big Wheel" instead of it being a continuous circle it is 3 separate dipoles looks like it would be a fairly simple build and I am going to try this regardless but just curious as to what your results were with this antenna. If it works well for me on 2 meter I may try to build a scaled up version for 11 meter just for fun.


Post by 231 »

I saw the same article PH. Looks like an interesting design. Yes, please let us know your thoughts on it. I have no experience with it but thought also about trying one out. ;)
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